"First off, it was sunny in Oregon in the middle of January. We had to go. We all do these things with friends regularly in the spring and summer , but we were lucky to be able to have a day like this in the dead of winter! We all ride regularly (nearly four decades of riding experience between everyone), but this was the first time the six of us finally got together to ride some dirt and trails. We decided to load up an old Chevy van and go ride at one of our favorite spots in the Tillamook National Forest at the OHV area, “Brown’s Camp”. More specifically the “Back to Back Hill climb” section…en route to the Oregon coast.Six girls, three motorcycles, a dog, a gun and a camera were all loaded up into the only vehicle we could get our hands on to haul the bikes.It was spitting oil and gas the entire trip out there, but we managed to make it round trip with only a few set backs. (Don’t borrow old vans from old friends that think its funny to watch you fix them). The day was filled with all kinds of adventure; it was Casey’s first time dirt biking, who usually rides a 1978 XS 650, and we managed to break, but then fix just about everything we brought with us: bikes, van & gun. The day was capped off with some drinks and burgers a nearby pub on the way back to Portland. (Words by Emily, Tori & Amanda)
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